Izcalli of the Wind

Core Contributions


Utilized 3D math to develop physics and abilities for hoverboard character including drifting, dodging, and performing tricks in air


Designed the resource management system that each of the abilities relied on and balanced values based on feedback.


Developed the button mapping of the controls for both gamepad and keyboard & mouse

Art & Sound

Integrated assets created by sound designer and VFX artists into the appropriate functions in the character controller.



Izcalli of the Wind was the capstone project for my Master’s degree. I worked alongside an interdisciplinary team of 18 to create this high-speed, action game. From very early on we as a team agreed that we wanted to make a game with a strong sense of movement to complement the team’s composition. One idea lead to another, and eventually we came together under our design lead with the concept of a hoverboard action game set in an Aztec inspired fantasy world.



Following our team’s commitment to movement, we ended up taking a lot of inspiration from games like Sonic, Jet Set Radio, Mario Kart, and various racing games. We wanted to create abilities and systems that gave the player the sense of flow, which meant we wanted to make sure our character felt fluid and nimble. Instead of using Unreal Engine’s vehicle systems, our lead programmer decided to directly simulate the hoverboard using 3D forces. to achieve that feeling. This created a lot of challenges in developing the movement systems of the game, but working alongside him we were able to develop a slew of physics corrections that made for a pretty smooth ride.

Alongside assisting with physics, I was also tasked with creating Izcalli’s primary abilities for traversal. Going back to the idea of flow, I ended up developing the energy system within the game. Using this the player would be able to access special abilities for Izcalli such as boosting, shooting, and charged jump. We decided to balance this by encouraging the player to maintain their flow to gain more energy, so by holding high speeds, performing drifts, and tricks.



On this project I was in a position where I could contribute both to the design and programming of the project. My main role was as a gameplay programmer in which I created the various abilities and systems Izcalli used to traverse the map. I worked in both C++ and Blueprints to enable, test, and balance these features to achieve a good game feel. I established the control layout for our game on both gamepad and keyboard and mouse. I also worked with integrating various assets from the rest of the team with character systems, such as sounds, visual effects, and animations.

Besides work contributions, I also had a very proactive presence in the social aspects of our team. From early on I did my best to connect with my fellow teammates and acted as both a friend and mediator during conflicts. During the rougher periods of our project when tensions amongst the team seemed to wearing at our progress, I took the initiative to get everyone on the same page by forcing some of those difficult conversations. Overall my goal was to act as that catalyst to bring my team closer, and my contributions seemed to do a lot for the team’s morale.

Axolotl Productions

Taylor Welling
Mohammad Mustafa
Jarrett Rhodes
Jason Richards
Gaelen Dignan

Nathan Kight
Adria Llerena
Amanda Swiger

Sandy Demian
Chesalon Taylor
Rohit Thakre

Michael Marte
Sean McDermott
Claudia Morell
Destiny Nunn
Yolanda Patino
Bianca Santimaw

Richard Hall

Project Lead
Development Director
Design Lead
Art Lead
Programming Lead

Lead Level Designer
Lighting Artist
Level Designer / Sound Designer

Technical Designer
Technical Designer

3D Character Artist
Concept Artist / 3D Artist
Rigger / VFX Artist
VFX Artist
3D Environment Artist

Faculty Supervisor


Gameplay Demo


Our game has been released on itch.io! Download and play it for yourself here!